Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

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A dazzling novel in the most untraditional fashion, this is the remarkable story of Henry DeTamble, a dashing, adventuresome librarian who travels involuntarily through time, and Clare Abshire, an artist whose life takes a natural sequential course. Henry and Clare's passionate love affair endures across a sea of time and captures the two lovers in an impossibly romantic trap, and it is Audrey Niffenegger's cinematic storytelling that makes the novel's unconventional chronology so vibrantly triumphant.

An enchanting debut and a spellbinding tale of fate and belief in the bonds of love, The Time Traveler's Wife is destined to captivate readers for years to come.


Technical Details

- ISBN13: 9780156029438
- Condition: NEW
- Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
- Click here to view our Condition Guide and Shipping Prices
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Customer Buzz
 "Nice Fluff Reading" 2009-08-29
By AlySedai (NN, VA)
I'll be honest. I had owned this book for some time, but didn't pick it up to read it until the movie came out. I'm one of those people who refuses to see the movie if I haven't read the book.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up the book. At first, the whole plot seems a little absurd. Here's a man who time travels around with seemingly no explanation, rhyme, or reason. But then the story got to me. And I got to thinking. It is more than just that. This is a love story (sure, at some points it borders on cheezy Harlequinesqe plot) that asks the question do we have any choice with whom we fall in love? When Henry first comes to Claire, he is so in love with her...and he basically pushes her toward being in love with him. But he is in his 40's and she is only 6. Then, in the future, Claire finally meets Henry...who has no idea who she is. And she is so deeply in love with him, that he cannot help but fall in love with her. It's an interesting paradox. They basically have zero choice in the matter of the relationship. I think that's one of the most interesting things about this book.

All in all, it is a good fluff read. If you enjoy a good love story, it's a great book to curl up with and read. It has an interesting story, lots of romance, and deals with some serious topics, if albeit very briefly. Sure, some of the characters could have been explored more in depth, and that probably would have made the book stronger. It is, however, a good read which doesn't require a whole lot of thought to get into...which, for a summer read, is perfect.

Customer Buzz
 "Entertaining but not a challenge" 2009-08-29
By Book Dork (Southern California)
The Time Traveler's Wife is the type of book you bring to the beach, the airport, or the doctor's office; entertaining but definitely not a literary challenge.

What Made Me Finish:

- The actual premise of the novel, time travel and how it connects two people throughout their lives, was interesting and unique.

- The skipping around through different time periods was fun and nostalgic.

- Niffenegger does a good job capturing and describing the emotions the characters feel during the various phases of their lives.

- While I do have issues with the writing, I will say that the author does use foreshadowing in an effective way. Certain events and situations are alluded to throughout the novel that make you want to continue reading in order to find out what really does happen.


- Every time the narration switches from Henry to Clare the author indicates this with a name heading. I found this very unnecessary; the reader should be perceptive enough to determine who's narrating by the style, tone, and events. I feel that she is writing "for the masses," assuming that the people who are reading aren't intelligent enough to figure this out. While this may be the case, let us all remember the Pygmalion Effect.

- The writing as a whole isn't impressive; descriptions often seemed forced, as does several instances of dialogue.

- At times certain elements of time travel became repetitive; I understand that Henry is naked every time he travels. I don't need to be told every time this happens that he is embarrassed, running around naked and trying to find clothes. It's a given.

- I felt that there should have been more attention paid to the idea and struggle of changing fate; it appeared to be an underlying theme in the novel when it probably should have been more prominent.

I appreciated the imagination that went into developing the plot and characters but was a little disappointed in the literary quality. I recommend it as a "fun book," perhaps sandwiched between some Dostoyevsky and DeLillo.

Customer Buzz
 "Neat concept but poor execution" 2009-08-29
By Amazon Buyer
I give this book kudos for being a page turner and for having a really neat concept done quite well. My problem with this book is that character development. The book coins itself as an epic love story, and yet I never really feel the love. The emotions and the reasons behind them do not seem very real. For this reason, I never really fell in love with the characters like I have in other "romance" novels like "The Notebook."

Pros: Very interesting concept

Cons: Poor character development

Customer Buzz
 "read this years ago..." 2009-08-29
By ChristyW (Virginia)
I read this book a few years ago & it is still one of my favorite reads. It is like no other book you will ever read. It is heartwreching, wonderful, unique love story with a time travel element. This books is tragic & beautiful. I cannot say enough about it. It's so different that it's hard to explain...just read it!

Customer Buzz
 "Review of The Time Traveler's Wife" 2009-08-29
By P. R. Lewis (Southeast LA, USA)
The format of the novel is that of reading journal entries for the two main characters, Henry and Clare. Since time travel is involved, the entries are listed giving the date and the age of the characters, however, not in chronological order. This provides the reader with a feel for the spontaneity of time travel. The novel is neither boring nor predictable. I found that the journalistic format allows the reader to develop a personal understanding and an attachment to the characters and to the unique situation they endure throughout their lives. Without giving the story away, I'll say that I enjoyed it immensely - it kept my interest, kept me reading long after I should have been asleep, and had me going through a full range of emotions. The characters had a deep love for one another, but I can't imagine trying to sustain a relationship under the hardship created by time traveling. All in all a very good book. Well-crafted writing; the author fills the book with detailed descriptions that create visions in the reader's mind. The author has given the timeworn idea of a romance novel a unique twist for the enjoyment of her readers. You won't go wrong with this book. It's a keeper.

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